Proper Nutrition

Carbohydrates, protein and fats include foods the word alone to”says much: people eat to live. The three wichtigstenNahrungsbestandteile are proteins, carbohydrates and fat. Of course, water, minerals, vitamins, trace elements include, among other things To build muscle, make to his diet, of course. To build muscle, you must eat well. That is already long obligation, that you must eat a lot, because then a fat structure is actually from the muscle. “Eat properly is knowing what nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats), the body needs at any time and that one feeds accordingly”, says fitness expert Tobias Fendt.

You must pay attention so timing on the take nutrients. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy products should be on the menu every day. The consumption of foods such as cakes, fried food, Fast Food, lemonade, cookies and anything at all what contain lots of sugar, should be restricted be, as it is to read in any diet”, so Tobias Fendt, who runs the Fitnessblog. Many people believe that protein/protein is thick, but that’s not true. Protein / protein is one of the main components of the diet for the target muscle or it should be at least, particularly applies to the strength athletes. The largest part of our body consists of protein/protein and water.

So every day, we need to do protein through food to our body. Protein is important for the formation of hormones, for the repair of the cells and keeping intact the muscles, as well as build muscle. Also, our immune system is maintained with protein”, says Tobias Fendt. You should take portions distributed protein throughout the day. Turkey Breast is best 20-40 g per Portion.Es in nuts, low-fat cottage cheese, egg, or cottage cheese contain. Carbohydrates are the fuel, so to speak”of the organism. They are the main energy supplier, because the organism from Carbohydrate can very quickly gain energy. An enough carbohydrate intake is important especially for sporty, active people. The three main components of food should be taken as follows: 50 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein and 20 percent fat. Under normal conditions, 1.5 to 2 litres of fluid a day are recommended. Especially athletes, a keen muscle training operate, should drink more water, fitness experts recommend. In addition, also the diet should be adjusted temperatures. Nutritionists suggest distributed to eat several small meals throughout the day. Include less fat and more fruits and vegetables. Sodium, potassium, magnesium and zinc should not be missed from a balanced diet. These are contained in mineral water. The body needs different minerals and nutrients. Beta carotene in carrots containing protects the cells from too much UV light. Lypocin acts as Sun protection from the inside. He is included in tomato products. Vitamin helps the Aging delay. It is included with almonds, hazelnuts, wheat germ and sunflower oil. The calcium from dairy products, nettles and parsley has a cell stabilizing effect.