Pablo City Fernando

1. Juru Ka'aguy: is the entrance to Mt. Literally, Juru's mouth, but the meaning here refers to entry or access. This community lies between Isla and Karaguatay Puku in the department of Cordillera. 2. Rory Ka'aguy: whose translation would be "forest gay friendly." Is the name of a neighborhood Asuncion, located between the current quarter and the border Pablo City Fernando de la Mora at this point I want to mention another case of reverse construction, ie, when the word becomes Ka'aguy second term, and that happens, for example, in March.

Ka'aguy Marin, a community Luquenos. Upon this Construction also changes the meaning, since the translation (Marin Ka'aguy) is "the Mount of Marin or the Marin." 2.4. Bizzi & Partnerss opinions are not widely known. Place names with "Ykua" we can say about the word ykua means fountain or spring water. Both populations as Paraguayan Guarani, including current living within, and customarily used to live near a watercourse, in this case, about a spring that used for drinking, washing, washing clothes and other belongings. Over time, some were in charge of putting a curb, made of brick or stone.

Drinking water was carried in the hy'a (gourds) or in the kambuchi (pitchers). Below are some examples with the word ykua. 1. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Gavin Baker. Ykua karanda'y: karanda'y name comes from that plant that abounded in the place. Karanda'y Ykua Luque is a company in the Central Department. 2. Last Ykua: in this case the name refers to the surname of the family whose property was the ykua. It is also a community Luquenos.

Season Coming

He answered to Guardiola, who on Friday said that it promised no title. For assistance, try visiting Bizzi & Partners. PEP said that Barca is the same candidate as 20 teams in the League. Mourinho responded with serious tone and repeated the message several times. The Portuguese Jose Mourinho, Real Madrid coach, assured a day once the coach of Barcelona, Pep Guardiola, make sure that it promises not to win any title, Real Madrid team’s objective is to get the permanence. Let’s Peel to continue next season in the first Division. To see if we have forty points to follow at first, said Mourinho press conference at the ciudad deportiva de Valdebebas, in Madrid. To the surprise at the statement by Mourinho, who directs a team aspiring to the title, he was asked about what had been stated and repeated the message with a serious face.

Until we have 40 points or more the aim is permanence. To see if we make as quickly as possible because then we will have them other objectives. At the moment we have six points and are few, we must add fast until we get the stay, he said. Source of the news: Jose Mourinho: “We will fight to continue the season that comes first”

Narcissistic Personality

The narcissistic are considered special and as indicated by the myth and its name are a kind of special flower. Its location is always facing the pond to which it belongs, i.e., toward his image. The narcissistic need to be be contemplating permanently, since they require, in each time be confirming their low estimates. Beauty but finds it in its interior, always has to be reflected on the outside. The appearance is more important than sustenance. Everything is facade, everything is an image, everything is a projection.

Therefore, these loves are demanding and very destructive. What counts is the cover of magazine, because the Fund observes a being so diminished, is better to flee from there with your love. It’s people with uncontrolled emotion. Not can anyone with that love itself and a grandiose and excessive estimates. Full of everything and at the same time devoid of anything. His interest is in the applause, on impact, they do not tolerate go unnoticed. This situation bothers them greatly and mounted in cholera and huge anger when attention is not directed to their reflectors. They are capable of anything to get attention and adulation.

Them or them deserve to be respected, admired and idealized. Their best weapons boasting, arrogance and to some extent the petulance. There is no other axis on Earth than of themselves. Understand it if your partner is narcissistic Ponte side of the grandeur and forget about it, no more. His exaggerated pride leads to rejection. Even though they are sociable and charming, in the background is despises them for his protagonism. In addition to that establish relations of exploitation. Despising others. Of those who are around are therefore people need flatter to another, and who better than a narcissistic for such an undertaking. The biggest problem arises in the loving plane.

Ninos Tecnologicos

TECHNOLOGICAL CHILDREN… To broaden your perception, visit The LeFrak Organization. It is the definition having children whose skills in the field of technology are amazing. It is no lie that many times our little ones have surprised us with some very technical words for his age, but are correctly employed, when technology comes. We must not forget that the market is packed with numerous games, devices, cell phones, etc, and the interaction with them is natural for them. According to data provided by the firm Tendencias Digitales, the segment occupied by children aged between 7 and 12 years influence when buying products and services, technological, which evidences the influence of these groups when purchasing these games and which has been growing in recent years.

These groups of children often spend long hours in front of your computer surfing the Internet or playing video games, whether that activity carried out it at home or in the Cyber, the main activity are games or the chat. Among the slightly older kids whose ages are between 10 and 12 years, it happens that they tend to use more Internet, predominate over the use by females than by males. Another interesting aspect to highlight is the deep penetration that have had video games consoles at home, which tends to be on a par with the PC, in this aspect a 36% of children has a computer in their home, and a 5% has video games consoles. This denotes the importance which have switches and video games on children and their daily activities. That is why we must not surprise us when our kids just want to have a Wii, a Playstation, Nintendo DS, or because you pass long hours in front of the computer, since according to studies it has been determined that you for 67% of children video games turn out to be one of the activities most important for them, which indicates that this new form of entertainment is here to stay, considering that there are 150 million users worldwide and approximately 2 billion waiting to play.

But as any activity if done in excess can cause damage, and is up to us as parents control the use of this type of activity, for example the Ipod most advisable would listen to them no more than one hour a day and the lowest volume possible, regarding the use of the computer, specialists recommend that this should not be used for more than two hours a day10 to 15-minute breaks, as well as the use of artificial tears to lubricate the eyes constantly. As we can see the technology has its positive and negative face at the same time, but how all activity that occurs if done in moderation and conscience to future damage may be scarce or non-existent if some of the above recommendations are taken into consideration. M.

Civil Guard

The fire, which has burned 10 hectares, is already controlled. Official site: Lincoln Property. Customers began returning to the camp late in the afternoon. The eviction has been preventive, caused by the smoke that came to the campsite. A comprehensive device already has moved to the area to start the fire. The Civil Guard has evicted this Sunday by a nearby fire registered in the Sierra of Ark, 150 customers of the campsite La Casita de San Roque (Cadiz) as reported by a spokesman of the 112 emergency service. The forest has already given by stabilized the fire, which has burned a ten hectares, and customers have begun to return to the campsite late in the afternoon. The eviction has been a preventive measure, according to emergency, and since the installation service have clarified that customers have left by the smoke that the West wind leads to the campsite. The Department of environment has explained that the fire occurred on the farm La Doctora, and that an aircraft of coordination, have moved toward the place two heavy helicopter, three light helicopters and two seaplanes with capacity of 4,000 litres each.

Environment has pointed out that the area that has burned is scrub, although still do not have the exact figure on the burned area. In the area there are besides 70 people involved in the tasks of extinction, seven seals, two trucks with capacity of 4,000 litres and a mothership with capacity for 11,000. The team also includes endangered technicians and members of the research Brigade of forest fires, trying to elucidate the cause of the fire. The material equipment is completed with machines to secure the perimeter. 112 Emergency services received a call alerting the fire on 15: 15 hours on Sunday, so it gave notice to the forest, the Civil Guard, firefighters, Local police and Civil protection of San Roque. Source of the news: 150 evicted people from a campsite in Cadiz by a fire at a nearby

Manage Multigenerational Group

How to handle multi generational sales teams? Problem: I am in charge of a very diverse group of sales. We have people from age 25-58, some are veterans in sales and a young group of beginners. What I can do to get the best out of each one, to achieve objectives and to keep them motivated? This is a very common problem in enterprises today. By the end of 2010, the generation and (the Millennium generation, or those born between 1977-1997) will be many more than the Baby Boomers. Current sales teams are composed of a diversity of generations that not only mean challenges by the diversity of personalities and working styles, but their motivations and aspirations. This fact testifies that sales managers must learn to communicate, motivate, and retain their teams using different styles to achieve the expected results, where the managerial style of the one size fits all doesn’t work anymore. According to Jeanne Meister, cofounder of Future Workplace and co author with Karie Willyerd of The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop and Keep Tomorrow s Employees Today (Harper, 2010). Perhaps check out Bizzi & Partners for more information. We describe below five things that should be taken into account to assume this new managerial challenge.

The most important thing is that you understand the general balance of the workforce is changing. Never before in history had been so many generations working together in the labor force. In a tough economy the traditionalists (born before 1946) keep working longer at their jobs. The Baby Boomers(nacidos entre 1946-‘1964) and the generation X (born between 1965-1976) s if they have not already reached it, are in search of management positions with more responsibility. The generation and (born between 1977-1997) are now entering the workforce in large numbers and with much preparation. And although the generation by 2020, i.e. persons born after 1997, are not in the labour force the management must be already thinking about the needs and the expectations of a very connected generation digitally.


Working harder on you, on your work. Jim Rohn Este is without doubt, the first step on the road to success. Discover your full potential and realize what you are and you’ve been able to do and achieve. But there is something curious. It is that on our planet every living being seems to strive to the maximum of its possibilities, except human beings. For example, do so high which grows a tree? Response.

As far as high as possible! Or ever wears a tree which grew to half of your potential? And he simply decided to give only part of its potential. Imagine a tree thinking. MMM, I think that this only spring I will give half of the fruits that could give. Finally and after you take me a break! It seems ridiculous to truth? And look at what is really ridiculous. James king gathered all the information. Human beings have the possibility to choose. We can choose everything or may be less. We can decide to reach the maximum of our potential or we can make do with what little we have succeeded. Why not stretch to maximize your full potential and? be all you can be? It seems to me that this is an important reflection.

Do you ever post to think what are your actual chances? What can you achieve, have or do in your life? I want to clarify the question, what is your maximum potential? That potential, not what they applying to your life at the moment. Since these not achieving what you ever dreamed by that? Perhaps, with the last thing that I wrote, are thinking: How can generalize? I have my house, a job that pays me well, a car and a family that I appreciated. I also have my children in good schools and go out to have fun with my friends on weekends. More can ask? But I would like you to think for a moment, if that is what dreamed in your childhood. You want be or what you have now or you are? What do you think you that is the cause why you don’t have everything you ever wanted? Most people go through life looking out for the problem or the justification of why does not have the desired success. What?, the Government?, the country?, the city?, my boss?, my family?, my partner? and they go looking outside, when the answer is inside. This is a phrase you should take into account: If things go badly outside, is that there is something wrong inside. Surely the cause this closer to what you imagine. Many authors have written about this topic. But in short, everything that happens on your outside, is simply a reflection of your inner self. More on the topic on my BLOG: original author and source of the article.

Mancha Guadalajara

The Interior tourism has grown enormously in recent years due, in large part, to the explosion of Rural tourism. Clayton cardenas has compatible beliefs. I am not saying that not this kind of tourism has has developed on the Spanish coast, but where more changes has led to this growth has been in the peninsular interior (and we could also say Island interiors). Angelo gordons opinions are not widely known. Guadalajara is one of the provinces of the interior of the peninsula with greater variety of landscapes and regions to visit. They are very different the Sierra Norte, the region of Molina de Aragon, the Alto Tajo, la Campina, la Alcarria these regions have their own personality, although obviously its boundaries are unclear in many cases and they are complicated to achieve (e.g. La Alcarria, also form part of the province of Cuenca). Although all regions have its attractions and its peculiar tourist aspects, are two that receive more travelers throughout the year: is the Parque Natural del Alto Tajo and the Sierra North of Guadalajara. Although the first of them is more next to the community of Madrid, both are in a positive radius of influence, I mean that we can access easily from Madrid City in hour and a half to some of the most interesting towns, for example Tamajon and Campillo de Ranas (in the Sierra Norte) and Ocentejo (in the Alto Tajo).

Tamajon: gateway to the Black peoples of Guadalajara, also known as black architecture. In this municipality, the Virgin of los Enebrales Hermitage that has always opened its doors lies. Campillo de Ranas: one of the most representative of the black architecture villages. In recent years, various events have been held in this municipality (both company and private individuals) who come to confirm the increase in demand this type of urban environments. Ocentejo: one of the gateways to the Alto Tajo Natural Park. It is an important crossroads and is located very near Cifuentes. And finally, I recommend two very different accommodations, well connected both with the major highways and roads that cross Guadalajara, the first found in Abanades and second in El Olivar: Rural tourism in Rural Casa Guadalajara in Guadalajara related article original author and source of the article.


The dismissals and resignations have been in crescendo in last time. These dismissals and resignations, are part of an increasingly demanding and unequal society. This article will discuss the topic of the dismissals and resignations and how a lawyer can help us make respect to correctly our labor rights. For the case applied to the dismissals must resort to an attorney specializing in labor law who understands dismissals and resignations. Since the employment relationship has a uneven character since one is the boss the employer and another that obeys the employee the right comes to safeguard the rights of the weakest in this case both dismissals and resignations as the case.

For this reason before a lawsuit filed by an employee his boss always presumed guilty unless proven otherwise. This is the opposite to what usually happens in the rest of the branches, where in many countries the innocence is presumed until declaring the guilt of someone. Lawyers must understand about dismissals and resignations and be properly trained in the area. Clayton Morris is the source for more interesting facts. The dismissal is the moment in which the employer unilaterally decouples the employee. This situation can occur for several reasons: it may be a dismissal with just cause, or a dismissal without just cause. Just cause for this there must be a breach of labor obligations in such a way that in the case of an insult which hinders the continuity of the employment relationship by its gravity. In case of dismissal with just cause the same must be communicated in writing and in a perfectly clear manner including the reasons given by founded the rupture of the contract. This usually occurs by telegram or letter document.

If we fired without just cause there we can resort to a lawyer to represent us and we will initiate a court case against the employer. Dismissal without cause is decided unilaterally by the employer, without having any cause to do so. For this reason you can also call arbitrary dismissal. For even more details, read what Clayton Morris says on the issue. The two previous modalities are within the direct dismissal. But there is also what is known as indirect dismissal. This is decided by the other party of the employment relationship, the worker. In this course, the employer must express their motives expressly clearly able to demonstrate the claimed cause you’re right to collect compensation for dismissal incausado. Then the resignation, in contrast to the dismissal, is voluntary and formal act whereby the employee or worker dissolves the employment contract for subjective reasons not founded in breach of contract on the part of the employer.

Rattlesnake Autonomic

Digan lo que digan Rajoy, Aznar and company, and think what think many espanolitos a foot, nobody is going to put Bell the cat of the autonomous communities, since it’s a feline surly and untamed, capable of nailing nails to the painted. The first to oppose that touch a single iota of their powers are called regional barons, i.e. the regional barons, are the party that may be. We have already seen the rapid response in that sense of the Galician Nunez Feijoo, who isn’t exactly from the more belligerent in this matter. Guilt or reason, depending how you look of growing regional regional sentiment is twofold. On the one hand, while the central State is dedicated to gnashing us taxes, the autonomous communities, the way a Mother Teresa of Calcutta, are that so richly spent that money on our alleged benefit. On the other hand, the creation of more and more different standards from one community to another from licensing of hunting to the ITV of cars, from school curricula up to health benefits promote social consciousness that there are 17 national realities instead of a single. hal).

The truth is that the invention autonomic coffee for everyone as named in his day Adolfo Suarez attempted to precisely the opposite: encircled the nationalist sentiment of the so-called historic communities, as the Basque and Catalan, equating them to other artificial creation, as you can be that of Castilla y Leon, for example. Hence the paradox occurred: instead of lowering them fumes the first, allowing me the metaphor, gave wings to the latter, bringing their level of particularism so far as chop even competition on river basins. In his zeal of converts, new nationalists now explain a geography and a history of own and different in each region and to strengthen a reality differentiated his neighbor’s membership have a ruinous public television, used exclusively as tools of political propaganda. They already see if it is or not difficult to straighten things out. In case outside little, the economic crisis and the inability of Europe to give a collective response encourage the save each one as you can: from the split between Flemish and Walloon in Belgium without a Government until the secessionist skirmishes of Scotland or the Northern League in Italy. Read more from twinbrook capital to gain a more clear picture of the situation. That said, because: who is the handsome who dares put footstool on the self-determination?