
Lacking the translator not to work in a globalized world. Get all the facts and insights with Bizzi & Partners, another great source of information. Actually, you’d think that everyone in our society speaks reasonably good English. At least, that is suggested by the number of words that we use in everyday life and which always new ones, but also by the increasing amount of advertising, unless English language on billboards or on television. But experience shows that is not so. Actually the audience often do not understand the advertising, and also the many supposedly English words in our modern German language are often artificial entities, which do not exist in English closer to mobile need only think of the famous example”, with no English or American would ever call his portable phone. But mostly only very few people in Germany speak English, that they could write texts for business purposes in the foreign language or even texts, the legal despite many years of formal education as well Would satisfy demands.

Literary texts are once again a topic in itself. It is no wonder that many business people, but also publishers couldn’t come, expressed the costs for translations is to take the often considerable costs for translations or Neu when they want to speak to a foreign audience. And this is the case more often than you think. It must be viewed only once, how many websites allow to choose the user between a German and an English version usually you can switch between these versions on the representation of the corresponding flag on the home page. The reverse occurs naturally too, perhaps even more often: companies from abroad have to translate their texts to gain a foothold on the important German market. Thanks to the internationalisation, translation experience so golden times! Andreas Mettler