Hands Signal

Ideal (and most expensive) – for each LNB dish. This mode is sometimes the only possible. For example, when you need to receive signals from satellites, spaced far enough from each other (eg, 36 E and 4 W) But if the satellites are located close (5 E and 4 W, 13 E and 5 E, 13 E and 19 E) and there is headroom for signal Some of them, on one plate you can put some converters (I have in Minsk, for example, at the same time accepted 13 E, 7-5 E and 4-5 W). information. At the same time orienting the satellite dish to receive signals from the weakest in the usual way. This signal will be received the converter in focus dish. Side converters will receive signals from other satellites. Right converter will take the satellite to the left of the main, left – right from the ground. By the same author: lyft.

Of course, the signal on the side of the converter will come not as well focused as the main. In plane converters spot signals are approximately as follows: When conventional LNBF, in the irradiator gets only part of the spot, thus signal obtained from the lateral satellites is quite weak. In order to most of the side signal, useful converters with separate radiator, wider than the LNBF. Irradiator – a pupop on koto.pom signal sobipaetsya in konveptop. However, it should also be noted that the signals from other satellites in the neighborhood with your desired lateral satellite, will also erode and stain their signals will run into your spot.