Forgives Life

It does not have better thing to start this text that an order of excuses. In a question-answer forum Gavin Baker was the first to reply. Yes it forgives, me for having it done to wait during 10 minutes of its agitated life, and not to have IDO its meeting. It tries to understand: I wait for you a life all, and now you do not come. He forgives for not having said what you wanted to hear I was never good with the dialogues It forgives me for not making nothing of what you can have imagined, is that I felt fear when you lode in my direction It forgives me for everything For that nor I arrived to make, but that I dreamed It forgives me for existing in its life so surrounded of ' ' people who love it tanto' '. Perhaps what I feel either really insignificant close to ' ' as much amor' ' that the people who encircle it give it. She forgives me for feeling something that never interested to it She never interested to it..