Attention Deficit Disorder

Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) often feel they are lagging behind, and simply do not have time to do everything. As a result, many end supplements sacrificing their own care, to scratch their points do lists. Those who skimp on self-care, however, will find themselves slowed down in the final. It is almost impossible to be an effective parent, spouse, friend, or a worker when they are not operating at maximum. And you can be at your best when you're not taking care of yourself! The following strategies are small changes add-ons that can be used to practice excellent self-care. 1.

It covers the basic concepts Eat right, exercise and get enough rest – we hear it all the time for good reason! These are the basic elements that our body and mind need to keep in shape. Making even small changes in these areas to increase their energy levels and concentration. Please talk to your doctor if you need any guidance in these areas. 2. Schedule in "time" Every Day With or without ADHD, life is hectic. But supplements often say they feel like they are in "Over Drive" or "high speed" throughout the day. And this applies to mental activity and physical activity! It is very difficult to move when operating in this mode.

Learning to slow down and recharge may take some time, but the benefits are worth it. Try to meditate, sit quietly, or take a quiet walk by yourself. Feel free to start small – just 5 minutes a day will make a difference – and increase the time as the practice becomes more comfortable.