A Numbers Game !

Three years ago, Paul left his job in a company to launch his freelance writing career, and has done relatively well. Has a group of regular customers to go on, and they are happy with their work. The first time I called, expressed concern about the sustainability of their business. "Although I have great relationships with my clients, and send me enough work to keep my business running, I have this nagging fear of losing them. If I have lost one or both at the same time really be in trouble. I do not really like this feeling of vulnerability. I do not feel like I'm in control of my own business. " "Well, let's say that happened," I took it.

"How long will it take to get each new customer to take his place?" "I'm not sure," he stammered. "I really do not keep track of these things. I'm afraid to think about it." "But that's why we're working together. So you can see these aspects of your business. So you're ready for the unexpected. I I know it can be frightening, so let's watch together. "Paul and I continue to discuss this issue at our next four coaching calls. During that time, he traced the process of exploration, developed a system for tracking and perspectives on their journey through the system, and created a spreadsheet that showed the status of each prospect at any given time. With these figures, was able to calculate how many leads for the generation, to meet their goals sales.

Attention Deficit Disorder

Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) often feel they are lagging behind, and simply do not have time to do everything. As a result, many end supplements sacrificing their own care, to scratch their points do lists. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Morris Invest. Those who skimp on self-care, however, will find themselves slowed down in the final. It is almost impossible to be an effective parent, spouse, friend, or a worker when they are not operating at maximum. And you can be at your best when you're not taking care of yourself! The following strategies are small changes add-ons that can be used to practice excellent self-care. 1.

It covers the basic concepts Eat right, exercise and get enough rest – we hear it all the time for good reason! These are the basic elements that our body and mind need to keep in shape. Making even small changes in these areas to increase their energy levels and concentration. Please talk to your doctor if you need any guidance in these areas. 2. Schedule in "time" Every Day With or without ADHD, life is hectic. But supplements often say they feel like they are in "Over Drive" or "high speed" throughout the day. And this applies to mental activity and physical activity! It is very difficult to move when operating in this mode.

Learning to slow down and recharge may take some time, but the benefits are worth it. Try to meditate, sit quietly, or take a quiet walk by yourself. Feel free to start small – just 5 minutes a day will make a difference – and increase the time as the practice becomes more comfortable.

Change Yourself- Change Your World

If we want to change our lives in some way, all we have to do is change our words, thoughts and beliefs. When we change the words, we can change the world. In the course of this manual, you can find a set of beliefs that no longer supported. Following this simple three-step process, you can change your beliefs. By consciously create beliefs that support us, we can change our reality and improve our lives. Consciousness is the first and most important step toward changing our beliefs and improving our lives is to be aware of our beliefs. We need to identify every thought that shapes our experiences.

We must name our thoughts. We must be aware of the exact words we have been using to create our realities. This is the first step toward mastery of our minds. Much of our life is governed by our unconscious thoughts, beliefs and patterns. We have lived with many of these thoughts for so long that we actually are real. We say to ourselves “that’s just how things are.” Many of these thoughts are beliefs about who we are and what we have right-and almost all of these beliefs deny the truth of what we are limiting our potential and separated us from the source of our happiness and prosperity. We must be aware of our thoughts and beliefs. This manual is designed to support our conscience.