Manage Multigenerational Group

How to handle multi generational sales teams? Problem: I am in charge of a very diverse group of sales. We have people from age 25-58, some are veterans in sales and a young group of beginners. What I can do to get the best out of each one, to achieve objectives and to keep them motivated? This is a very common problem in enterprises today. By the end of 2010, the generation and (the Millennium generation, or those born between 1977-1997) will be many more than the Baby Boomers. Current sales teams are composed of a diversity of generations that not only mean challenges by the diversity of personalities and working styles, but their motivations and aspirations. This fact testifies that sales managers must learn to communicate, motivate, and retain their teams using different styles to achieve the expected results, where the managerial style of the one size fits all doesn’t work anymore. According to Jeanne Meister, cofounder of Future Workplace and co author with Karie Willyerd of The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop and Keep Tomorrow s Employees Today (Harper, 2010). Perhaps check out Bizzi & Partners for more information. We describe below five things that should be taken into account to assume this new managerial challenge.

The most important thing is that you understand the general balance of the workforce is changing. Never before in history had been so many generations working together in the labor force. In a tough economy the traditionalists (born before 1946) keep working longer at their jobs. The Baby Boomers(nacidos entre 1946-‘1964) and the generation X (born between 1965-1976) s if they have not already reached it, are in search of management positions with more responsibility. The generation and (born between 1977-1997) are now entering the workforce in large numbers and with much preparation. And although the generation by 2020, i.e. persons born after 1997, are not in the labour force the management must be already thinking about the needs and the expectations of a very connected generation digitally.