Social Security

We wonder when we will leave the crisis and when we will live a new expansionary phase. I am personally quite pessimistic in this regard. Only the real estate bubble, no great aptitude and talent requirements activity, gave our country ephemeral moments of well-being. It is not easy to change a production model. It really means break even with a tradition, why not, of a legal nature. And of course previously society has operated a major change of mentality and values. In Spain the entrepreneurial initiative is gun single shot, and with this crisis practically all of our entrepreneurs, they have already made use of it, so it may never again begin.

The liability for a particular title by Treasury or the Social Security for unsatisfied debts, which can lead to the Declaration as guilty of a competition of creditors, or the simple inclusion in a registry of delinquency, among other many threats, will prevent them start again. Inherent to the experience learning, will be dismissed. They will not be able to analyze mistakes. Not even them arise it is, inasmuch as they are aware that the system will not give them a new opportunity, and remembering them, of itself is no longer pleasant. We will live a new expansion when two factors are met. First course will be required an exogenous incentive, called bubble or trend that we come given. And second, that we have a new generation that may feel tempted to carry out. We refer to those who live now teens, totally extraneous to the misfortunes we are dealing with.

We talk about seven, eight, maybe ten years. It may not be otherwise as to current date our country has lost its entrepreneurial strength forever. A host of freelancers and small businesses absolutely not only drowned by their debts; also by an eminently punitive order. If Meanwhile we realise how difficult that is to achieve business success, that only 4 out of every 100 companies survive in the 10th year, perhaps we can autosugerirnos a regulatory change that allows the test of trial and error that allows a wise use of experience that make certain inertia to the creation of jobs, as opposed to the situation that we currently live in which collective redundancies are a constant.

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