Normative Resolutions

It possesss a suspended closet of approximately three meters of length I contend six doors where they are the pouches. Also a balcony of a door is used to keep material of expedient and, where the documents are deposited that will be directed by pouch for the units. For the control of processes and received correspondences and documents to be protocolled, the protocol uses three linked computers to the Internet and a laser printer located on the balcony of a door. 4,1 DETAILING OF THE PROTOCOL SECTOR? The sector of protocol of the Prodepa develops its activities controlling the numeration of Crafts, Would carry, Normative Resolutions, Instructions, Letters, that will be signed by the directions, manages and for the presidency. It receives even though from the diverse sectors of the Public Administration and of the units, a model directed generally for internal email (Intranet), where a reading is made, alterations if necessary, after that are placed in the standard established for the company. A way is directed for approval of the secretary of financial the administrative direction, that makes the due corrections and after approved, prints the number of necessary copies so that the direction signs. The protocol sector also receives internal and external the documents that are of importance for the company, and they are given a generated sequential number for all the State with fear &#039 to it; ' number of protocolo' ' , and as form of base of numeration for a possible opening of process. For the Conarq (apud BREADS, 2005, p.27) process is: Generally used term in the public administration, to assign the set of documents, congregated in special layer, and that they organicly go being accumulated in the continuation of an administrative case or judiciary. The protocol number, that registers the first document in which the process is opened, repeated external in the layer, is therefore, the element of control and filling of the process.