Municipal City

To analyze aspercepes and attitudes of the proprietors and one who holds legal titles to property how much to the implantation> National Institute of Colonizao and the Agrarian Reformation, Municipal City hall deColinas of the Tocantins and Notary’s office of Real estate record. Twelve proprietriosrurais had been interviewed how much the perceptions on the RFL, being four comreas of until 50ha, five with areas of until 999ha and three with area above de1.000ha. RESULTS AND QUARRELS Exist 413 agricultural property in Hills, being that maiorparte of them (92%) possesss definitive heading of property, disclosing a estruturaagrria consolidated in this area of agricultural border. They had been identified 43imveis agricultural with regitered RFL, what it corresponds 10.4% of the total of imveise only 19% of 83.328ha of passvel territorial area of private appropriation. In none of the property that they possess> legal reserve regitered next to the Notary’s office deRegistro of Property was obeyed the percentage of 80%, foreseen for areas defloresta in the Legal Amaznia, even so exists in the Hill territory doTocantins 667 a thousand hectares with forest potential. The first entry only occurred in anode 1991, after the edition of Law 7.803/89. The occured entries between anosde 1991 a1994, in the total of 10, had respected the effective percentage of 50% to the time. importante to detach that the original writing of the Forest Code of 1965 did not determine, explicit, that immovable composites for Closed vegetation of had terreserva legal.

With the edition of Law 7,803/89, deRFL of 20% for such property started to invigorate the requirement. Of the year of 1995 up to 1999, it does not have register deaverbaes of RFL in the Hill city. The occured entries at12/06/2000 had observed the 20% limit, foreseen in Provisional remedy 1736/31, of 15 of December of 1998. Although they have been respected the limits minimums emvigor in the occasion, these RFL already must have been rectified time that alegislao in vigor determines the value of 35% for areas of closed in the AmazniLegal.

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