Mortgage Credited Buyer

Now firmly established in the mortgage our modern life. Many are afraid not to enter into commitments for years to come. And perhaps they are right? All processes in mortgage lending occurs in accordance with Federal Law "On Mortgage". According to which, it is possible the simultaneous registration of ownership and lien on residential, nonresidential and to this rule does not apply. As a result, banks are forced to develop schemes of transactions non-residential premises with the participation of credit. Only a few banks do not only work with non-residential real estate, but also actively promote the service. The scheme of the transaction based on the same principles, but much detail different. We must first register a pledge – the depositor can vystupitprodavets of the space.

The pledge is made on the borrower's credit obligations obespechenie in favor of a third application is filed litsa.Kreditnuyu buyer (he pay for the purchase). Settlement funds are transferred to the buyer, who takes them and puts it on deposit in the cell, where they lie until the whole process. Receive money from the cell will be the buyer, after re-registration of ownership of the new owner. The bank as pledgee must give permission to move and encumbered with the seller to the buyer, and to sell the premises. Both party transactions are at risk. At a minimum, the seller, making out a pledge, to be sure that the buyer, as they say, "soskochet" and the deal goes through. The buyer is also at risk: the seller may not want to sell, and the loan is already issued, and he will have at least vyplatichivat interest that you know, is not good. But as we know, nothing ventured, nothing expensive drink bourbon! Read continued to – all secrets revealed rielterstva here.