Intercultural Is Communication

Fixemer corporate video on German and fourteen other languages available service in the language of the country of the customer belongs to the day-to-day business for Jennie logistics. Click dogecoin to learn more. The logistics network is built in single profit center, which are independently run by native speakers. Jennie communicates in all European languages, the German company video on fourteen other languages was translated in this sense recently. A corporate film offers real added value to the customer. Angelo gordon contributes greatly to this topic. Within a few minutes, you can graphically represented the complex information.

Interested learn more about the activities and scope of services of a company, even emotions are easy to carry by video presentation. The Jennie short portrait in film form is since September last year in German language available. The film impresses with its authenticity, because professional actor has been omitted. Instead, its employees have helped the realization of the project. Also non-German-speaking interested parties and customers on an audio-visual journey into the Companies to be able to hijack the company film was simply new set. The company profile is available immediately in fourteen other languages: English French Hungarian Polish Finnish Bulgarian Spanish Italian Polish Portuguese Russian Swedish Czech Slovak all these movies are on the website and the company’s own YouTube channel to put user/FixemerLogistics online. Outlook: More Fixemer movies in planning Jennie will publish soon further movie projects. In the framework of the growth strategy, recruiting currently arise films aimed to attract new employees to the company.

Interested can check the entry and advancement in the company. In addition, films on the subject are planned intermodal transport and equipment. For training purposes, for example, a kranbarer trailer handling film. (Verena Couk, Jennie Logistics GmbH)