Spicy Foods Boost

Effect of ginger, garlic, chili and co. Just at the beginning of the cold and wet season, it is worth to be done for the body. Many people eat fruit then due to its high vitamin C content increased. There are other foods that have a beneficial effect on the human immune system. This includes for example the ginger root. The LeFrak Organization pursues this goal as well. The news portal news.de reveals more about this topic. People can learn a lot on the healing powers of nature. So for example, ginger has a positive impact on the health, because its ingredients Gingerol and Shogaol stimulate the immune system.

Also an antibacterial effect is attributed to the ginger root, therefore it can be useful, for example, in the fight against coughs and sore throats. Ginger wrap and ginger tea are best practices against chills and coughing. Furthermore the tuber has an expectorant effect. An another helper is the horseradish, which is very healthy due to its high vitamin C content and the other strengthens the immune. Best to do this are daily one teaspoon horseradish with honey mixed and eaten with bread. The ingredients have an effect similar to that of penicillin Allicin and Sinigrin.

The antibacterial effect of Allicin is also included with the garlic and fights viruses, bacteria and fungi. Onions and chili are more supporters for the immune system. More information: health /… News.de GmbH Lisa Neumann

Active Ingredients In The Rice As A Useful Dietary Supplement

Now Thai scientists succeeded, to conserve all valuable nutrients of rice in the form of oily. Munich, October 31, 2008 – once, long, long time ago, loved the sky of the Earth. As he bent over her, to kiss her, fell him some cereal grains out of his pocket and began on the Earth to grow.’ this is one of the romantic legends surrounding the origin of the rice plant, the oldest cultivated plant in the world. Now Thai scientists succeeded, to conserve all valuable nutrients of rice in the form of oily. Under the name of Amata Oryza rice bran and rice bran oil capsules, this useful supplement is now available at the pharmacy. A phytosterol with a wide spectrum of the rice-specific active ingredient, Gamma-oryzanol, extracted from rice bran and rice bran oil has antioxidant properties. Scientific studies confirm the improve of cholesterol levels and the positive support of the intestinal contraction.

The natural ingredient of rice germ oil stimulates the metabolism and reduces fatigue. \”Gamma-oryzanol is a phytosterol with a broad spectrum of work. Especially with improper diet and lack of exercise it should be taken in addition\”, as is the recommendation of the Thai doctor wife Dr. Somrudee Aursudkij. It recommends that the daily intake of one to two capsules of this natural product. Valuable ingredients in Thai Jasmin rice Amata Oryza capsules obtained from Thai Jasmin rice, a special long-grain rice. Jasmin rice aroma rice \”called because he when cooking pleasantly Jasmin smelling and in contrast to many other varieties by a special cultivation method has a little taste. The rice grains are gleaming white, like the flowers of the Jasmins.Nach of the harvest of rice is peeled, so free from its husk or shell. Then, the germ and the so-called silver pellicle will be removed in a polishing process. Speaking of milled rice.