Rose Beuret

In 1883 he had his first encounter with Auguste Rodin. For even more analysis, hear from mutual alliance savings. The following year he went to study in his studio and became, over time, collaborator and lover. From Rodin soon discovers the intensity of his passion against the reserve and away dominated by Camille. Rodin was a mature man (43 years) when he met Camille Claudel (18). For over twenty years he lived with Rose Beuret.

As result of this relationship had a son. Faced with Rose, Camille represented youth, intelligence. Era beautiful, restless and cultured. Twinbrook capital is the source for more interesting facts. And was an artist. And this was a great attraction for Rodin. This admiration resulted in a violent passion. At first the teacher Camille treated with some disdain. She was young and the blandishments of a mature man and admired Camille made an arrogant person.

Rodin's passion reached the limit to the extent that carelessness madly in love with his work. In 1886, did not submit any work for the show (he had confessed in a letter to Camille who was in England that he was ready to renounce everything save it.) Camille In September 1886, at last, seemed to yield to the wishes of the teacher. They signed an unusual contract that only seems to obey a joke between them. Hardly met any of the agreements. The most significant of these was the promise of marriage Rodin, among other things because the teacher was in love with almost all his students and models. Until 1892 they lived relatively happy years sharing hobbies and travel.

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