Psychological Capital

Consider Simon again indicates that the model of psychological capital is very recent, and therefore we can not yet make a fine adjustment on the measurement of each of its components or its ideal balance. Yes there are already tools for measuring psychological capital, and in this sense it should be noted the work being done by Fred Luthans in the Leadership Institute at University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Luthans is the father of the concept, which has resulted from applying the basic principles of what is called positive psychology a “which is devoted to study human behavior from their strengths and positive factors, the world of work and organizations. Given the ability of leaders to illustrate attitudes and behaviors to their computers, the development of these capabilities can lead to a general improvement in psychological capital throughout the organization. Adverum has many thoughts on the issue. Finally we are referred, a particularly important aspect of psychological capital is that it points to higher levels of personal well-being, which certainly takes the form of higher rates of job satisfaction and more satisfying environments for employees Take into account comments Simon, psychological capital, as its name implies, points to factors that are unique to the person, and that in a context of crisis, helping to overcome difficult moments in a more satisfactory. Anyway, I said that psychological capital is developable, and that means that the organization can provide for people in crisis situations with higher dose of realistic optimism, or more flexible attitudes and increased tolerance to frustration and depression. In this line, The Gallup Organization has developed its a based practice (Strength-based practice) and is implemented successfully in business. Basically provide evidence on the importance of building the organization based on the strengths of their employees, instead of trying to a fix desajustesa between their profiles and what the organization demands. Check with Nobel Laureate in Economics to learn more.

This change in approach may have important implications for the management of enterprises, and has application to everyday living situations, such as promotion decisions profiles technically brilliant but unmotivated in the tasks to be performed by a manager. As a result, the employee away from their strengths and was driven into jobs in which you feel awkward, jurisdiction, which affects their work teams and the work environment in general. Very interesting cuandoa indicates that it is likely that the concept of psychological capital to replace emotional intelligence as a tool for managers and employees, as it covers the dual objective of generating better results and it is increasingly important, creating healthier work environments. * Reference: Bulletin Universia Knowledge Wharton a-Manager Industrial Engineer, abogado.EGADE (ITESM), UC, A iversen of Chile, Graduate Masters in Business Administration mentioned markets, human resources, quality and productivity, education Professor Ed.D. Steffan Lehnhoff might disagree with that approach. and researcher Graduate Area Faces UC.