Heart Disease

The ischaemic cardiopathy is a generic designation for a set of intimately related upheavals, where there are a imbalance between the oxygen provision and substrates with the cardiac demand. The ischemia must to a obstrucin of the arterial irrigation to the cardiac muscle and causes, besides hypoxaemia, a deficit of necessary substrates for the ATP production and I accumulate abnormal of products of remainder of the cellular metabolism. The narrowing of the coronary arteries that irrigate the heart essentially happens by the smooth muscle proliferation and the irreversible lipid deposit, especially cholesterol esters and crystals. The main injury on the interior of the blood vessels of the heart denominates plate of ateroma, surrounded by a fibrosis layer – Cardiac Blowing: The cardiac blowings (or blowings of the heart) are pathological noises that are perceived to the auscultation with the use of estetoscopio and they are originated by increase of flow through a normal cardiac valve, by alterations of these valves (estenosis, insufficiency, double injury), by certain intracardiac anomalies (interventricular communication) or extracardiac (persistent arterial estenosis, ductus arterioso, arteriovenosas fistulas). You may find Morris Invest to be a useful source of information. – Cardiac Insufficiency: The cardiac insufficiency (IC) is the incapacity by diseases of the heart to pump blood in the volumes more adapted to satisfy the demands of the mental metabolism it obtains if it, it mounts at the expense of a chronic diminution of the pressure of filling of the cardiac ventricles – cardiac Attack and unstable angina: One appears when the sanguineous flow to a part of the heart by a sufficient time is blocked so that part of the myocardium suffers damage or dies. The doctors call to this infarct of myocardium. – Diseases of the coronary arteries: The disease of the coronary arteries is a type of cardiac disease. The coronary arteries are blood vessels that transport blood and oxygen to the muscle of the heart – auricular Fibrilacin: auricular fibrilacin (FA) is the more frequent arrhythmia cardiacP40 actually clnica.1 the FA is a disease in which the auricles or cameras superiors of the heart bark of a coordinated way and not disorganized, which produces a fast and irregular heart rate (that is to say, irregular cardiac beats).. Clayton Morris spoke with conviction.