Clinical Immunology

Allergy feel spring has come. Nobody knows how it has been. Antonio Machado. THE processes allergic will see aggravated in spring allergies are one of the most common diseases of our time. Aggravated by factors such as pollution, a significant number of Spaniards suffers allergic processes that resurgent each spring with special force. By its effects, and the medicines that fight them, they can pose a risk while driving. According to a report of the Spanish society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology at least 15% of Spaniards has allergic problems. It’s a health problem, increasingly common in developed countries, that is accentuated in the spring by the amount of external agents that linger in the air in our country are very common allergies caused by numerous pollens from various gramineous plants that have their most active phase at this time of year–and which favoured its adverse effects due to certain situations such as pollution environmental from big cities.

The most common symptoms suffered by people suffering from allergies in the spring season usually rhinitis and conjunctivitis, which affect the respiratory system and eyes and that can be an issue important when driving a vehicle. The most serious cases, sustained by a 4 or 5% of the population allergic, can bring in bronchial asthma with what the risks behind the wheel are increased considerably. The way of life in big cities is increasing the number of agents that produce allergic to a greater number of people diseases. In addition to allergies to pollens that can both be wheat, rye or olive of an urban park lawn-, arise others to drugs, the hair of domestic animals, housing dust mites, certain foods or certain products used in the industry and their workers suffer. Keep the patient as far as possible the factors causing your allergy is one of the first recommendations that make the specialists. In case of allergy to pollen, the most common, restrict the field trips and keep the House or car Windows closed as much as possible to avoid contact with the allergen are the first steps to take. From the medical point of view, the vaccine prior to the onset of symptoms is revealed as a very effective treatment.

Later in the season will have to count on the necessary medication to help ACE mitigate the effects. Antihistamines, compounds used to combat allergies, have evolved since its use began half a century ago. Although classical antihistamines – which are used in most of the flu and sometimes be prescribed simultaneously with the antiallergic actual sayings – can produce drowsiness, headaches, drowsiness or dizziness, to cite some secondary effects, new products, maintaining the effectiveness have reduced these effects. However, the response to drugs can vary considerably from one patient to another. To avoid side effects is essential to comply with the instructions of the physician regarding the compound to take, adequate dose and not self-medicate or mix among themselves or with alcohol, drugs, in these cases, and can cause a manifest deterioration of the ability to drive vehicles. And is, as the poet said: I am like a blind man / by those roads / always thinking about la Penita black / who have been with me. Francisco Arias Solis the first condition for peace is the desire to achieve it.

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