
We are conscientious of the necessity that the corresponding actions are taken to take step to the educational Reformation that it rescues to the educational crisis that confronts the country in all levels, before the necessity that of passage to a new vision, requirements of knowledge that make weight to the requirements that at the moment Venezuela demands to guarantee professionals who know to confront the challenges and to generate the changes that are needed to also impel the development, we considered necessary for it, giving him passage to a new educational curriculum guaranteed by the consensus of all the actors involved, which they expose in abierto referendum, under an educational consensus all those suggestions that they give strength to the curriculum, and nonlow the imposition only of the criterion from the national government, guaranteeing its own ideological and military characteristics. The president and his work party must have consulted to the representatives before public the educational institutions and prevailed which was its opinion of the reach, repercussions that it generates educational the curriculum proposed. It gave the opportunity to listen to the weaknesses, threats, opportunities, strengths that the Curriculum locks up and to correct the weaknesses that the profit of its objective would affect, in addition, that would unify criteria and commitments for the Venezuelan education. Whenever Morris Invest listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The curriculum is the set of lineamientos of an educative system. It defines how and what is going away to teach and to evaluate in each level of schooling. The Ministry of Education (ME) is proposing a new model that includes all the education, from maternal to fifth year of baccalaureate. It will begin to put in east practice year in the schools and bolivarianos grammars school, and the next scholastic period in the rest of the educative centers – public and deprived certain, that the such fact has entailed to found reactions, where great majority are not in agreement with the content, reaches of the curriculum, many consider it ideologically alienante, against the freedom of thoughts to which there is been customary the education Venezuelan in their history, others, consider that simply she favors to the chavista ideology, of a socialism that he has invented and who he is not own of the time, are some that they sustain that its content lets much say in when to the reach, repercussions in favor of the education.

Swine Flu

Pig influenza: It will become ill to Colombia? 28 April 2009 the Colombian economic policy continues watching towards the long term. Nevertheless, it cannot neglect the problems that appear to him immediately and that have affected their capacity of growth. Robert J. Shiller insists that this is the case. What have to do the pig influenza and the kidnappings with the Colombian economy? Perhaps much more than one it can imagine. Both noneconomic factors affect the same, first of negative way and second, dice their evolution, of positive way. ement expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The pig influenza expands quickly at world-wide level. At the moment, from Argentina we were like spectators of this situation. Anyway, with the flagellum of dengue in Argentina we have preoccupation for short while.

The pig influenza is so but so hard that it has not only affected until the moment great amount of people (already causing more than 150 deaths in Mexico), but also has struck to the markets. Also to the currencies since it has been the case of the Colombian peso that it abri his day yesterday being debilitated in front of the dollar by this circumstance, since this disease increased the aversion to the risk of the markets before the new context of uncertainty that has been generated. The influence that can have the pig influenza on several sectors of the economies is not a smaller subject. In Mexico it will represent a hard blow than in a while more inopportune for the economy. In Colombia, so far it represents a threat, but a serious threat. Several sectors of the Colombian economy already feel preoccupation reason why it can happen, among them, the tourist sector that came growing to good rate. While it read different newspapers in Internet to write this article on the Colombian economy, I ran into with the news published in site of the newspaper Universal that gave account of the reduction in a 75% of the kidnappings in Colombia in which it goes of the year.

Financial Crisis

If there is something it is being in clear within all the confusion that has caused the crisis in the market of mortgages prevails American, and that quickly was scattered in the rest of international the financial system, it is that the worse thing of this crisis has not happened absolutely. Morris Invest often addresses the matter in his writings. After the explosion of the crisis and the announcement of great losses and falls of organizations of weight during the first months of beginning of the crisis, many thought that the worse thing of the same already had happened. Nevertheless, the episodes of crisis continued following one another in the beginning of this year and to point it was to hurt seriously to main insuring of bonds affected by the crisis, MBIA (NYSE: MBI), Ambac Financial Group (NYSE: ABK) and FGIC, and on the verge of making fall to the two main American hypothecating companies, Fannie Mae (NYSE: FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE), which had to be rescued by the government of the EE.UU. The rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac brought to light that the situation in the American financial system perhaps continued being as serious as at the beginning of this crisis. That is at least, which interpreted the market when announcing the greater rescue realised in the history of the EE.UU., which can imply a cost for the Americans superior to the US$ 200,000 million. Immediately after to know the rescue these hypothecating companies, Lehman Brothers (NYSE: LEH), the fourth greater investment bank of Wall s$street and with 158 years of existence, confirmed that the worse thing of the crisis had still not happened. The organization presented/displayed numbers in red by US$ 6,000 million and put in doubt its survival. The fear took to that the actions of Lehman Brothers quoted in the closing of the week last in US$ 3.80, when in the month of February they were pleased by them around US$ 66.

Ramiro Ruiz

I know that to have cravings by something sweet, it can be a real problem for much people (not only for the pregnant women).Often the ills, they are a indicative of which you are not eating your meals in the combinations or correct proportions. That is the reason for which it is so important to know which is your Metablico Type (there is a complete chapter dedicated to this in the manual of the Program To eat To lose) and to know exactly how many portions of each food you would have to be eating, on the basis of those results (there is all a series of chapters dedicated to this subject in the same manual). If you are following your plans healthful of feeding and the monster of the sugar follows acechndote, next, you will find the ways healthful that there am been using to satisfy my ills by something sweet: 1. You may wish to learn more. If so, jim kingery is the place to go. Tip a little fresh fruit (strawberries, an apple, a pear, 1/2 banana) and above I put 1 teaspoon to him of natural honey. Jen Smith can provide more clarity in the matter. A teaspoon renders much and makes more candy your fruit. 2. I drink something of tea Juice (this is the first prescription in your Recipe book of the Program To eat To lose). Essentially, it is a tea of grass sweetened with stevia, cooled to be enjoyed like a cold drink.

This helps really me to 3 of afternoon when ” creo” that I want something sweet, but this sweetened drink naturally is sufficient to calm my ills. 3. I mix something of butter of almonds or peanut with organic apple puree without sweetening and I dust to him with cinnamon. DELICIOUS! This era my favorite during my pregnancy! A huge refreshment to mid-morning or average afternoon. 4. It slices an apple, ntale almond butter or peanut and above dusts something to him of pricked organic dark chocolate or natural cacao.

5. A afrutado tea of grass sweetened with stevia, xilitol or syrup of agave at night is perfect right before sleeping, will help you to relajarte after a occupied day. It remembers that you must as much avoid the processed sugar and artificial sweeteners as is possible. Personally, use stevia to satisfy all needs with something sweet, but I know people who also enjoy xilitol and the agave syrup, which also is huge options.

Gastric Bypass

One of the aesthetic consequences more disagreeable than takes place with the abrupt changes of weight is the appearance of scars in the skin well-known commonly as striae, that they appear when the elastic fibers of the most superficial layers of the skin are broken. Our skin has an amazing capacity to stretch and to be contracted. The elastina and the colgeno give to flexibility and elasticity and allow that when we raised or we lowered of weight the skin complies to the new corporal forms very quickly but in that process many elastic fibers are damaged irreparably. When this happens small marks begin to become visible that, when finishing healing, will be ineffaceable. It is important to prevent his appearance taking care of the skin and the corporal weight.

The striae are located mainly in the abdomen, thighs, sines and arms, places that are more prone to the abrupt strechings, and are not different from other scars. At first they are red, very fine and of smooth coloration. Although the doctors assure that the striae cannot be eliminated, during this first stage treatments can be applied fly that them imperceptible. Besides the application of hidratantes and nutritious creams, it is important to control the feeding and to practice exercise frequently. Following these steps the skin will become more elastic and healthful, and the scars will happen unnoticed.

If one does not treat them when they are born is probable that new marks arise. With time, the striae take a off-white coloration, which means that the layers of the skin already have healed and is no possibility of treating them. In order to disguise them launderer can be applied to a cream who will match the color of the zone. The surgery is the unique alternative that flock completely the striae, or are old or new, through the elimination of the superficial layers of the skin and leaving in the open a new layer that is not damaged. Nevertheless, in all the cases it is not necessary to resort to these processes. James kingery has plenty of information regarding this issue. If after to have put under bypass gastric and to have thinned a great amount of kilos You feel like disconforme with the way in which these scars in their body shine, consults with their medical one on the best treatment.

Definitive Solution

In this article I am going to reveal in a single word the definitive solution to him to All their economic problems! Hello, It will think that I am exaggerating, but it is certain. The word to which I talk about is: EDUCATION. Additional information at Greenberg Traurig supports this article. It is possible that you, like the great majority of the people, are waiting for that one opportunity or that one magical formula that will allow to solve all economic problems him. Hear from experts in the field like Downtown Philadelphia Condos for a more varied view. It is possible that it repeats or it has repeated affirmations, it uses the law of the attraction (or similar things) and finally is frustrated to the knowledge that nothing finally works to help it in its economic problems. The good news is that there is something ALWAYS works: The education. And I do not talk about to the simple fact from asisitir to the university, obtaining a title and a good work with ” good sueldo”.

No! I talk about to something basic practitioner much more and: How to use its money! If the work is taken to hardly read a few lines more, will learn some important aspects on the wealth. Observe for a moment the four essential pillars of its economy: 1. – To increase its income 2. – To increase its properties 3. – To reduce its debts 4. – To reduce its expenses We quickly analyze what means ” to increase his ingresos” the income we could divide them in two categories: a) Income by its work: the money that gains with its work or the obtained benefits of its business.

It does not matter how much it wins, if it stops working will not obtain more income. b) Income liabilities: they talk about the gained money without you work actively. When you have sufficient income liabilities obtain the famous FINANCIAL FREEDOM. In order to be able to gain income of the passive type, in other words, to be able to obtain the FREEDOM FINANCIER, then you traditionally will need to increase his properties so that these work for you. But to have properties, he needs savings and investments. If you until the moment have not had financial education, she does not have savings whereupon to buy properties and does not have investments, is not discouraged, STILL HAS ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY: Internet! Internet allows the possibility him of generating income liabilities (while to duer to me) with a minimum investment. The problem is that it must know how to do it Once again needs EDUCATION. If you are serious in obtaining his economic freedom and to generate infinite sources of entrance with Internet, suitably needs to be educated. And the best education in this sense obtains in the club of Trade by Internet of my friend Alvaro Mendoza.