Quitting Smoking

Now many people want to quit without success. Unhealthy habit is securely lodged in the body and does not intend to produce a winner. Everyone understands that smoking the poison, but why, many still can not rescue from this poison? In fact, the essence of nicotine dependence – not only social and psychological but also biological. Studies of scientists demonstrated that in humans there may be a so-called gene smoking. It is more common in people suffering from nervous breakdowns and prone to depression. Among smokers of more than 70 percent. Another factor – the children of smoking parents.

These kids, as adults and move closer to nicotine, suffer the most complicated form of dependence, which is called psychosomatic. It is particularly more difficult to heal and revealed itself in people from families where both parents smoked, and especially – the mother. However, Even with these factors, the battle with nicotine addiction can be! And of course it needed to win! Many people have their justification of their nicotine addiction. For some, it's a sound sleep, for others – stress management, and third report that nicotine does better digestion. But the question is that as an adaptogen nicotine stays exclusively at first. When there is addictive, and with none of the above problems, it has already can not cope. From now on, only one study of nicotine is a substantial harm to human body. There are a number of opportunities to say goodbye with a cigarette.

Some people throw smoke on their own, others – with the help of nicotine patches and drugs. In a pinch, you can head towards Narcologist. The choice is enormous, it is worth trying. But quitting smoking is very important to focus on their menus. Food, quit smoking person must be a low-calorie, with considerable amounts of vitamin C (oranges, currants, broccoli). Need to click on the garden fresh herbs – parsley, lettuce, spinach. As nicotine reduced the appetite, in the first week likely irresistible craving for calorie-rich, easily digestible food. Craving for sweets becomes a problem. Because of this, preferably with an appetite to fight. Drink juice – citrus, mnogoyagodny, noni, – it is slow down the desire for cake. Can be used for this purpose, acidic lemon and water. People who quit smoking, a heightened sense of lack of nicotinic acid. With a shortage of nicotinic acid affected skin, dermatitis occur, poorly heal wounds. Smoker can sweat out a long-term diarrhea. Although most affected brain. Person is exposed to poor sleep, unreasonable fears. He is irritable, it is not easy to fix the attention. Disrupted the brain is dementia. Because of this, quitting smoking, you must eat fruits and vegetables, which are composed of nicotinic acid observed in significant amounts. It is in legumes, Solanaceae (potato, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers), whole grains, dried fruits. Excellent sources of nicotinic acid – walnuts, peanuts, noni juice. These products are, without doubt, must be present at the dinner place of the person who wants quit smoking. Kohl you have decided to quit, no need to delay until Monday, start just now. Maybe that's the moment – a good time for you to say goodbye to the habit, which seemed invincible.