Brazilian Politics

The brasiguaios have in its great majority European descent on average having the 30 40 years. With this approach between Brazilians and Paraguayans the two ethnic groups instead of if giving well xenofbicos conflicts are entering (aversion for the foreigners). Paraguayans accuse the Brazilians to occupy its lands without affirming that it is an illegal act, therefore they do not have the writing that they bought that this land of them. The Paraguayans accuse the Brazilians with if segregating: to say its proper language, to use a proper currency, to display the flag of another country and to possess best lands in Paraguayan territory. In a strong wave of nationalism, they complain of that the second language of the children of the brasiguaios is the Portuguese, instead of guarani. The brasiguaios allege that its children had been always discriminated in the school and that Paraguayan Justice is contaminated by the anti-Brazil politics that invigorates in the country. Abuse of the two sides exists being, therefore difficult to establish a balance for the two sides.

Plant of ItaipuA Plant of Itaipu was constructed in 1970, in the river Paran, in the verge between Brazil and Paraguai.Hoje it is responsible for about 25% of the electric energy of Brazil and 95% of the Paraguai.A population were taking for the diffidence since at that time the people did not have as much ecological conscience that she is had today. The potential of Itaipu puts the plant in the top of the whole world hydroelectric plants, with a capacity to generate up to ninety billion kilowatts/hour per year. Thus, the Plant Hydroelectric plant of Itaipu is one of the biggest plants in the potential of the world. Brazilian interest for the Brazil Paraguayan mainly has a very significant interest for Paraguay because of the Plant Hydroelectric plant of Itaipu.O price that Brazil has to pay for the energy arrives to be for a strategical reason. Therefore about 95% Brazil it consumed of energy of this plant and 5% Paraguay only consumed being these data of the year of 2008.Assim, if it was not Taipu Brazil would have serious problems of electric energy. Commerce paraguaioA majority of the people of general form can find that Paraguay alone lives of illegal commerce vendendo firearms or gadget. But this is not total truthful, therefore the legal merchandises are an appositive one of the Paraguayan entrepreneurs to use to advantage advantageous productions of production of the Paraguai.Dependncia of Paraguay with the BrasilO Paraguay depend on Brazil as for the Plant of Itaipu, therefore if it allows a return of great part of the produced energy comes to the Brasil.O Brazil is one of the great purchasers soy, cotton, oils vegetal, forest meat and products. Bibliographical reference: , the-Paraguay-and-the-interest-national, 414383,0.htm Had access Had access day: Had access Had access:…/novo-preco-da-energia-paga-ao-paraguai-reforca-integracao-regional-diz-petista-3853.html Had access: Had access: Had access: